Friendships Come and Go

During my resent breakup I seemed to have lost a lot of friends. I made a lot of new ones too. I think friendships can become unhealthy if they do not challenge us. I want truth from my friendships. Someone that is not afraid to express their views even if they are not the ones that I share.

I would rather be called out on my sh_t, then have some one stroke my ego. I look for people who are strong willed and upfront. Enjoy having a good laugh about ourselves and the crazy things we do sometimes. We are all so imperfect, why take ourselves so seriously.

I seemed to have out grown many of my old friends. This my sound egoic, but I feel it to be truth. We are not all on the same path and I have had a huge change in mine. I wish old friends no ill will and carry love in my heart for them. It not only about who you are attracting in your life but who you are letting go.

Just for today I will honor the people my source puts in my life.