When the Lesson is Learned the Lesson is Over.

When in the mist of a changeling time, we wish for it to be over. I ask myself and God, when will this pass? There is much to be learned during this these times. Through pain comes growth (sometimes I hate this saying).

Another saying that pisses me off right now is “God never gives you more than you can handle”. God always seems to have more faith in me than I do. But, like I have said “the only way through is through”. If we distract ourselves to make ourselves feel better, we are not open to learn the lesson.

We can act out in all kinds of destructive ways. Getting others to cosign our bullshit. Disrespect ourselves and others, just to feel a sense of momentary relief. Justifying the most outrageous sorts of nonsense. If we hang out in this, the lesson will be lost.

Trusting the process is a bitch.

I am so ready to have freedom from this weight I am caring around with me, but I guess God has other plans. I ask, what is the lesson? I know I almost made a huge mistake in my life. I was lost and obsessed by something and someone destructive to me.

Today I pray for the obsession to be lifted.