Friendships Come and Go

During my resent breakup I seemed to have lost a lot of friends. I made a lot of new ones too. I think friendships can become unhealthy if they do not challenge us. I want truth from my friendships. Someone that is not afraid to express their views even if they are not the ones that I share.

I would rather be called out on my sh_t, then have some one stroke my ego. I look for people who are strong willed and upfront. Enjoy having a good laugh about ourselves and the crazy things we do sometimes. We are all so imperfect, why take ourselves so seriously.

I seemed to have out grown many of my old friends. This my sound egoic, but I feel it to be truth. We are not all on the same path and I have had a huge change in mine. I wish old friends no ill will and carry love in my heart for them. It not only about who you are attracting in your life but who you are letting go.

Just for today I will honor the people my source puts in my life.

Consistency is Key

Often I find myself turning away from the things I do that serve me well. I start to feel the effects of a good pattern in my life, then I stop. Why is it that we stop before the miracle happens or the miracle happens and we stop?

I start a program or class or exercise, get results and then stop. When it would serve me well to continue and make these positive attributes part of my life.

It is when we practice good principals in all our affairs, that we get the greatest rewards. When positive patterns become put of who we are and no how we are trying to be.  When we are no longer conscious of it, we are it.

Just for today I will practice consistency.

Self Validation

I have had an awakening to the fact that I have an Issue with self validation. I receive validation from others, not myself. It’s like if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there it doesn’t make a sound.

My accomplishments mean nothing if I do not get outside approval. Even in this blog I find myself seeking validation from outside influences.

Knowledge is power, but what do I do with this new found wisdom? What are the action steps required to move forward?

Or do I just shut up and keep trying to move forward in a positive direction?

When the Lesson is Learned the Lesson is Over.

When in the mist of a changeling time, we wish for it to be over. I ask myself and God, when will this pass? There is much to be learned during this these times. Through pain comes growth (sometimes I hate this saying).

Another saying that pisses me off right now is “God never gives you more than you can handle”. God always seems to have more faith in me than I do. But, like I have said “the only way through is through”. If we distract ourselves to make ourselves feel better, we are not open to learn the lesson.

We can act out in all kinds of destructive ways. Getting others to cosign our bullshit. Disrespect ourselves and others, just to feel a sense of momentary relief. Justifying the most outrageous sorts of nonsense. If we hang out in this, the lesson will be lost.

Trusting the process is a bitch.

I am so ready to have freedom from this weight I am caring around with me, but I guess God has other plans. I ask, what is the lesson? I know I almost made a huge mistake in my life. I was lost and obsessed by something and someone destructive to me.

Today I pray for the obsession to be lifted.

Life is Strange. Possibilities are Endless.

We walk around is earth never knowing  what is around the corner. New twists of fate at every turn. Wonderful possibilities or horrific events and everything in between.  When one door closes another door opens.

I have been told by many that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it is not always a good reason. I take every opportunity to learn and grow from all that is put in my path.

I must stay open. Somethings that sound to good to be true are too good to be true. Others may be huge wonderful gifts from source that are just waiting for me to unwrap. Source is abundant. Life is good, even when life circumstances are not.

I beautiful gift my just drop in my lap. I hope I am not to cynical to accept it.

Just for today I will not look a gift horse in the mouth.

The Only way Through is Through

When I have challenge, the best thing to do is face it head on. We live in this just add water society that tells us their is always an easier, softer way. Don’t like how your feeling, take a pill. Easy as one, two, three.

When I don’t sidestep, act as if, or distract myself from the issue at hand, I grow. It is not always the easier path, but the one of most growth.

I identify it. What it is and what it is not. Acknowledge it, pray for guidance and do the work. This work includes the feeling it. That can be a bitch!

The hardest part can be not getting consumed by it.

Just for today, I ask God to help me through my pain. The strength to do what needs to be done.

We Can Justify the Most Outrageous Sorts of Nonsense.

I must be careful to not let others cosign my bullshit. A true friend will give me the truth and not just what I want to hear.

My ex told me for years she wished she had time on her own and not just jump into another relationship. She said she never learned to be OK alone. So what did she do only weeks after we brake up she is in a relationship. Her defense”I was not looking to be alone when you & I parted ways, I don’t want to be alone now”. Now her friends will not say a word to her. She surrounds herself with people that will tell her what she wants to hear.

I appreciate the truth. Often I have trouble seeing it and need people to hold up a mirror in a kind and loving way. Often I don’t like what I hear, but do my best to learn and grow from it.

What if you Woke and Everything You Thought was Real was Wrong?

The train jumped the tracks. Your cursing along down the line when bam, your off the tracks, cashed and now your reality is changed. Every have one of those moments? Huge life change, that leaves you spinning. Feels like insanity. You have been punched in the gut.

Now what? Do you brush your self off and go trying to get back on those old tracks or do you head through the woods?Do you put the old you back together or do you use this opportunity to massively change and become new again? If you choose the new, the road is harder. Much easier to continue the old comfortable way. I can’t even tell you if the new would be better than the old, but my instincts tell me it would.

Now, can we stay sane in the process? I think the answer is yes, if we can walk in source, connect with God. Though that concept of a higher power my evolve during this time too.

Major life shakeups are painful. Through pain comes growth. Keep eyes open. Stick your toe in the water before getting in. Be true to yourself. Maybe I am wrong should be a in your thoughts. Stay open. If you have more questions than answers, your growing.

Strength in our Fragility

Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable can be a source of strength. When we hind our feelings from ourselves and others, we are not operating truth. Is it the macho John Wayne type that is the strong?

Many Men I have found would rather not think or talk about such things. Operating in ego seems to be comfortable for them. Sometimes male social gatherings, turn into a dick measuring contest. I have male friends that I have to talk to for a good 20 minutes before I can get them to talk about anything that is real.

When we get to the truth, however hard that might be, there in lies the strength. When people ask me how it is going, I tell them. I don’t just say “fine and you”. I often ask people is that the truth or just the standard response. When I start telling them how I really am they often are surprised that anyone would actually tell them the truth.

Just for today, you ask me how I am doing and I’m gonna tell ya.

Get Uncomfortable

When the hurt become to much for us we change. When we grow, we have growing pains. It feels uncomfortable. Staying comfortable, often indicates a from of becoming stagnate.  When we challenge ourselves, we rise to the challenge and become better for it.

Nothing of any real value comes without honest effort. We don’t get something for nothing.

We must take risk. No risk, no reward. It is often those of us that are willing to put it all on the line, that get the biggest return. Being wise is the key to this process. Also operating in spirit and being in tune with source (your higher power) is a must.

Just for today,for today is all I have, I will do the uncomfortable and be blessed for it. God give strength me the task.

Everything Changes… Acceptance is the Key

Ups and downs, highs and lows, never standing still. Just when you think I have some control, life reminds you of just how fragile I am.

Acceptance is the key to happiness. If I can learn to not have my happiness dependent on the circumstances of my life, I will found a real form of contentment. If I am only happy when things are good, then I will be unhappy way to often.

I know I have a problem with gratitude. I have so much to be thankful for, yet I hang out in the dark places to often. I know I do it; I know it when I am doing it, but I still have issues not getting caught up in it. Knowing and doing are to different things.

Just for today (for today is all I have) I will be grateful for however my day unfolds.